Rapid Refill’s Mission:
We have a simple mission at Rapid Refill that has never changed: partner with our customers wherever they are to help them with their printing needs.
We have some customers whose needs have changed very little over time. We have others at the cutting edge of technology. Regardless of what printing phase a business finds itself in, Rapid Refill wants you as a customer.
We do understand that many things are changing in our industry: software and systems integrations, automation and even AI solutions. We are up-to-date with all printing technologies and also understand and support the drive toward paperless solutions.
As we all make the journey together into the future of business, we will continue to support a full suite of services and solutions, from full print ink and toner all the way to e-docs, scanning and storage. We will be there for you the whole way with the simple mission to serve people wherever they are with their printing needs.
About Rapid Refill:
Mike McComas has been in the Raleigh area for nearly two decades. Mike’s background was originally in IT, which started him down the path of working in the software development industry. He left the corporate world to become a local business owner at Rapid Refill.
Mike’s expertise is in business analysis–figuring out what companies need to be successful, and making sure they get it. He enjoys getting to know individual customers and problem solving with them shoulder to shoulder.
Rapid Refill is not one of the oversized anonymous national companies. Instead, it is a local business serving the Triangle and surrounding counties with a personal touch. Since Rapid Refill has a concentrated geographical footprint in the Raleigh area, Mike is committed to accountability. The person you see from Rapid Refill before you sign your contract is the same person you will see afterward.

Managed Print Services (MPS) from Rapid Refill
Managed Print Services (MPS) provided by Rapid Refill include brand-new high-end equipment from our leading technology providers and associated consumables. Beyond the machines, the systems are monitored from our end so that we know if there are issues before you do–so you can focus on your business.
As companies evolve, often they move to the MPS model. As you add layers of customers and employees, you probably feel like you don’t have the time and focus to manage the things you used to take care of on your own. MPS will take away a major daily headache: printing.
The first steps are a free cost analysis, free onsite audit and a free quote. In most cases, for about the same money you are paying now, you can get optimized, monitored and managed printing. If an issue arises–and we will know before you do–it is not your problem. Rapid Refill will send along a trained technician to get it fixed right away.
An MPS partnership with Rapid Refill is a time-tested way to achieve predictable costs and reliable printing. We have a track record of 20 years helping customers in the Triangle area, and we welcome the opportunity to assist you in MPS.
Advantages of Managed Print Services (MPS) with Rapid Refill:
- New machines: it might sound good to have the features and quality of a state-of-the-art printer.
- Reliability and predictability: gone are the days of printer errors and different toners for each machine in the office
- Hands-off printing: well, you do need to still hit the print button, but everything else is left up to Rapid Refill for a turnkey solution.
- Steady costs: it is an advantage to have 36-60 months’ worth of exact costs without wondering what will break when you least expect it.
- Staff freedom: just ask your employees how they would spend their new-found time not dealing with printers, ink and toner.